i havent heard that before but i no it burns my eyes..i swapped all of my bubs products over for GAIA or AROMABABY natural;chemical free products so im using up bubs old stuff...Is it true No More Tears shampoo contains Novacaine to numb the baby's eyes?
No, it's not true at all. Look at the ingredients list on the bottle. They would have to say Novocaine was in the shampoo if it were an ingredient. And what about the rest of the head. Would that go numb too? No way. Baby shampoos are just not as harsh. I have used No More Tears myself, when I ran out of my shampoo, and I found it to be too gentle for my hair. They are right though. The shampoo does not hurt your eyes with normal use and care. Nor do any of the other kid shampoos. Is it true No More Tears shampoo contains Novacaine to numb the baby's eyes?
yes it is. also, i used to to numb my leg when i had to sew it up myself after a knife fight.
I don't know where you got your information, but I highly recommend
that you ignore that individual in the future.
I have no idea, but I never found that No More Tears Brand shampoo is actually no more tears. It burned my eyes just as much as regular shampoo!
Seeing how novocaine burns when first injected, I am not sure how well that would work.
thats stupid, and completely false!
no way!
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