Friday, July 30, 2010

Shampoo and aborted babies?

did you know some shampoos have an ingredient that comes from the amniotic sac of aborted babies. Note: There have been 50,000,000 abortions in USA since roe vs wadeShampoo and aborted babies?
did you know that they get the same ingredient from afterbirth and from animals, too?? i am total pro life, but if they can use bi products i am all for that.Shampoo and aborted babies?
So that's what keeps my hair silky soft!
Can you provide a link to that information?
yeah, and there is bull semen in red bull... you are nuts and disgusting. have the people in the white coats restrain you now.
Thats alot of shampoo, especially when you consider all the bald bast-rds around!
That's ******** disgusting, and you're a bloody liar!

Ohh and umm where is your source?
Did you know that placentas used in some shampoos are from afterbirth as well?

Hate to tell ya this, but organs and tissues of most humans and some animals are used in everyday products.
It sounds like you are doing some political grand standing instead of asking a serious question!
mmm i like the feeling of dead unborn babies going all over me.
OK OK now I think I heard it all but that's ******* nuts because there is no evidence that your provided us to take a look for ourselves therefore I don't believe a damn word your saying I know shampoo some are made from animals but I don't use any products that have been tested on animals therefore I think you need to post a link for us all to read this ourselves because your obviously nuts or loco ka baco in the noggin..LMAO
ok, i dont beleive that.
really? Do you know which shampoos or where the information is?
id believe. u all say hes stupid a ****** liar,'d be surprised. usa if ****** up
Are u for real? Where did u hear that? Thats nasty!

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