Monday, July 26, 2010

What to use if you have no dog shampoo left for your dog or baby shampoo either?

i have to bathe my dog tonite and i have no dog shampoo left or baby shampoo either...what can i use as a backup shampoo that would leave my dogs skin dry and also make her smell good in the mean time? yeah i know that dogs DO smell and they will always and forever but i just want something that will help the smell also.

**COULD I ALSO USE A BABY OIL TO HELP HER SKIN FROM NOT BEING DRY AFTER I BATHE HER AND THEN RINSE IT OUT?**What to use if you have no dog shampoo left for your dog or baby shampoo either?
Unless your dog got into something really messy and stinky, wait until tomorrow until you can buy the proper shampoo for her. Their PH is different than ours and using other detergents can really dry out their skin and coat.

Dogs should not be bathed more than once a month. Bathing too often can irritate the skin and even cause skin infections, which causes them to smell bad.What to use if you have no dog shampoo left for your dog or baby shampoo either?
Small amounts of well-diluted Dawn original dishwashing liquid or Murphy's Original Liquid Oil Soap.

I prefer Murphy's, myself.

Baby oil doesn't rinse out that easily; the dog will just appear dirty sooner. Don't bother.

If she has dry skin, I'd skip the bath tonight and bathe her tomorrow when you can get to the petshop and buy a good oatmeal or aloe shampoo.

And always ALWAYS rinse three times as long as you think you need to rinse. Nothing is worse than soap scum on skin.
If you don't have dog shampoo then the closest thing would be baby shampoo and since neither is available the best thing to do would be either go buy some or wait. Anything else will severely dry your pets skin out and cause discomfort for him/her and possible itching and hot spot. Baby oil will leave your pets coat full of oil and will be very hard to get out and very bad for your pets skin.
It won't kill your dog to use human shampoo on him or even diluted dishsoap like dawn. BUT it is much better to get a dog shampoo that fits his skin type. Does he have dry flaky skin? Then something like an aloe/oatmeal blend for dogs. Does he stink? Fresh Scent with Baking Soda and aloe. Some dogs are very oily and dawn or palmolive dish soap works good but rinse real well.

Don't overbathe your dog. You don't have to wait to bathe your dog if you can't get to a pet store for a long time. Avoid human conditioners.

No baby oil.
You can use Dawn...sparingly.

If you want to do a home made shampoo.

This makes one cup full

3/4 cup dawn

3 cap full glycerin

1/4 cup cream rinse.
Head and shoulders.

Ph Balanced stuff.
Why not just wait till you can buy some dog shampoo?? in the morning or something??
dawn dish soap and baby oil is fine ive done that 2 my dog a little of your own shampoo is okay 2.

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