Sunday, July 25, 2010

My baby's a eye and face have had a reaction to shampoo, what should i do?

I turned my back for one sec and my son tried puuting shampoo on her hair and it was all in her eye and she had rubbed it everywhere, now her whole eye and around it, even her nose has reacted, its bright red, like a rash, ive washed it out with cold water, what should i do?My baby's a eye and face have had a reaction to shampoo, what should i do?
As long as you have flushed her eye with water she should be fine. If she seems irritable due to discomfort maybe then it will be an issue. If it is swollen maybe then I would also worry. It should subside within 24 hours or so.My baby's a eye and face have had a reaction to shampoo, what should i do?
Well you could take him to the doctor. If you don't want to do that then just wait it out and give him something for the rash.

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